Category: Uncategorized
Using the Agisters Lien to Collect Unpaid Board and Training Fees
If you own or operate a boarding or training facility, you probably have faced the problem of unpaid board and training bills. This problem can have a detrimental effect on your business, as the overhead and cost of feeding and caring for the horse will continue, but your stream of income halts. Many times, these […]
Buying and Selling Horses at Auction
In the late 1970’s and 1980’s auctions provided a valuable means for marketing horses. While the horse industry witnessed an absence of quality auctions for a period after the 1980’s, many people are using auctions to market and purchase quality horses. Auctions again provide a viable means for the transfer of ownership. Just like any […]
Breeding Contracts
Breeding season presents an exciting time for most breeders. It also involves rather large expenses and risks. In order to promote a positive experience in your breeding endeavors, you should always use contracts. This article will discuss why you should use a breeding contract, the essential elements of a breeding contract and considerations for special […]
Defamation & the Horse Industry
Everyone deserves the right to have their reputations protected from false statements. This right is often of great importance and value in the horse industry. With the relatively small size of the horse industry, one’s reputation is often his or her best asset. The law of defamation grants each person protection of their valuable reputation. […]
Equine Activity Liability Statutes
Equine Activity Liability Statutes (“EALS”) provide the horse industry with a great deal of protection. Overall, the statutes limit participants’ ability to seek damages from horse people for injuries related to the participants’ involvement with horses. Not only will horse people benefit from the legal protection afforded by the statutes, but insurance rates will likely […]
Liability Insurance – Better Safe Than Sorry
What are the odds that a horse under your control will bite or kick a visitor? How likely is it that someone will fall from a horse when you are giving them a lesson? What about the chances of a horse under your control getting loose and causing a traffic accident? Usually the responses to […]
Know When To Say When . . . You Need A Lawyer
Knowing when you need a lawyer can be extremely important. There are countless different times you may need to consult with an attorney, even if just for advice on how to handle a situation. The event triggering your need for an attorney’s assistance could be for a good reason, such as buying a business, or […]